Review: Ruth (ZECOT) by Daniel Block
Though widely admired, Ruth is often misunderstood. Too often have I seen Ruth lumped in with Esther (and maybe Proverbs 31) as the “books for women” since these are apparently the few sections of...
View ArticleReview: Progressive Covenantalism Edited by Stephen Wellum and Brent Parker
The battle between Covenant Theology (CT) and Dispensational Theology (DT) is notoriously intense and shows no signs of calming down. Over time, however, the emergence of mediating positions has...
View Article“Who is the Messiah ben Joseph?” An Interview with David Mitchell
David Mitchell is a unique fellow. He is a Biblical scholar, expert in the Psalms, and an archaeo-musicologist. His important work on the Psalms, The Message of the Psalter, gave a fascinating defense...
View ArticleBiblical Ethics Not Under the Law
How is all of Scripture for us? Aren’t we “not under the Law”? If so, how are we to think of the moral laws in the OT that are not repeated in the New? Some argue that Christians are not under the...
View ArticleReview: The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser
How does one even begin to review a book so profoundly impacting and paradigm-shifting? Perhaps with a personal anecdote? I used to lean towards skepticism when it comes to the supernatural. This is...
View ArticleReview: The Temple and Tabernacle by Daniel Hays
The book of Exodus tells a thrilling story, and is naturally the inspiration for numerous adaptations and allusions within literature (Daniel Deronda, Superman). However, the stirring narrative of...
View ArticleReview: Psalms by the Day by Alec Motyer
“Quiet times”. For some, the term may be fluffy and unintelligible Christianeze. Or perhaps it provokes a pang of guilt for a neglected New Year resolution. For others, though, quiet time is a helpful...
View ArticleReview: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament
A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament: The Gospel Realized is the second Bible introduction released this year from RTS scholars both past and present. As with the OT volume, this...
View ArticleReview: Introduction to the Psalms: A Song from Ancient Israel by Nancy...
The Psalms are rightfully beloved, but many are unaware of its clear and intentional structure. Or if they are, they have not considered the purpose for its structure. Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford’s...
View ArticleA Critique of Progressive Covenantalism’s view on Israel and the Church
In this post I will summarize the two presentations on Israel and the church in Progressive Covenantalism (my review). Though I very much appreciated both chapters (and the book as a whole), I want to...
View ArticleReview: Leviticus (TOTC) by Jay Sklar
Leviticus is a difficult book to understand, and quite the challenge for pastors and teachers. One of the difficulties is that it’s impossible to dip one’s toe in and expect any payoff. To truly...
View ArticleReview: Delivered from the Elements of the World by Peter Leithart
I must confess. I have procrastinated reviewing Delivered from the Elements of the World. It’s not because it is a dull book; far from it. Rather, more than anything I’ve yet reviewed, I am daunted at...
View ArticleReview: The Destiny of the Righteous in the Psalms by Jerome Creach
Sometimes we miss what is right in front of us. Sometimes we are distracted by the abstract that we miss the obvious. Sadly this easily happens when we read Scripture. Jerome Creach, in his The Destiny...
View ArticleMy Digital Seminary in Books (2016)
For me (and many others), December is a month for retrospection. Every New Year’s Eve, Natasha (my wife) and I discuss our hopes for the following year and what we saw in the year now past. This seems...
View ArticleReview: Philippians (Mentor) by Matthew Harmon
Philippians is rightly one of the most popular letters of Paul. Highly quotable verses such as Philippians 1:6; 1:21; 2:5; 3:13-14; 3:20-21; 4:6-7; 4:8; 4:13; and 4:19 are lodged in the minds of many....
View ArticleReview: The Hermeneutics of the Apostolic Proclamation by Matthew Bates
The heart of the Christian faith are not ideas, truisms, or proverbs, but rather, events. In particular, a series of events constituting one meta-event concerning the person of Christ: the incarnation,...
View ArticleReview: Paul and the Gentile Problem by Matthew Thiessen (Part 1)
Those who have seen The Sixth Sense will recall that bombshell moment, when everything we thought we “saw” was wrong, and we realized we would have to re-watch – or at least re-think – the entire...
View ArticleReview: The Voices of the New Testament by Derek Tidball
If you could ask Peter one question, what would it be? Or Paul? Better yet, what would it look like if the NT authors were gathered together in one room to discuss a given topic? Sometimes we like to...
View ArticleReview: Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord by Alan Kurschener
It’s commonly argued that God will snatch His people to heaven before the great tribulation. One go-to text is 1 Thessalonians 5:9: “For God has not destined us for wrath”. How could believers face a...
View ArticlePaul’s New Perspective by Garwood Anderson (Part 1/2)
The more I study God’s word, the more passages like Psalm 119:14 mean to me. As I look back these 4+ blogging years, I find my theology having widened and deepened significantly. Could Paul’s letters...
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